Merry Meet and Welcome to Witches in Print!
This group website was conceived by a group of Witches and Pagans who make their way in the world as writers, and who have become friends as well as colleagues over the years. We talk online constantly, we conceived and wrote an anthology together, WORDS OF THE WITCHES, published by Berkley Jove, and we are a constant support network for one another. So it seemed logical to launch a site together as well. Some of us write fiction, some of us write non-fiction, some of us write memoirs. We also differ in our spiritual practices–as a group we reflect the diversity of the pagan community. We are Witches, Wiccans, Asatru, Heathens, Reconstructionists, Goddess-worshipers and those who defy definitions but love Mother Earth. We know that words carry power. They can enlighten, entertain, transform, and inform. They can stir every emotion, they can bring pain or pleasure. And through them we, each in our own way, touch the hearts of strangers, and in so doing, make them into friends.
On this site you'll find articles about Goddess worship, the Craft of the Witch, and Pagan religions. You'll also find contests you can enter, a chat room, a place to sign up for our newsletter, a page devoted to the work of each of our author members, and much more. The site will be updated twice each month, so you're sure to get fresh experiences with every visit.
So pull up a chair and stay a spell!
Explore and enjoy, and come back soon. Merry part, until merry we meet again!
Your friends, The Witches in Print
| Home | Phyllis Curott | Dorothy Morrison | Diana Paxson | Maggie Shayne | Maria Kay Simms |
| Carol Lynn Stewart | Zelena Winters | Gail Wood |
| Contest | Book of Shadows | Newsletter | Wisdom's Grove | Witches at Work | Chat | Guestbook |