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Carol Lynn Stewart

Dear Reader,

I’m writing this as I am getting ready to attend “The Deepening” just outside of Chennai, India (used to be called Madras). There I will be taken deeper into the process that gives the ability to transmit the power of Grace. The gift of Deeksha is amazing. Just last night a lovely woman chose to sit beside me on the plane back to San Francisco and noticed that I was reading a book on Deeksha (Deeksha, the Fire from Heaven by Kiara Windrider). She asked about it and when I told her what it was and how I’d received it, she asked if I would give her Deeksha. There at about 20,000 feet in the air, in a crowded plane, I was able to give her the gift of Deeksha. She said it comforted her, made her feel relaxed. I was delighted. I’d never given Deeksha in those circumstances before. Actually it works through Grace (however you define this – as a particular God/dess or Allah or Buddha) – I’m not doing anything but get my ego out of the way so that Grace can flow through.

If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area, we invite you to attend a Wednesday night (7:15 PM) Berkeley Deeksha Group on Eunice Street in Berkeley, between Henry Street and Shattuck (Shattuck Avenue turns into Henry Street at Rose Street, so if you are on Shattuck, Eunice is the next stoplight after Rose Street). If you are curious, please come on by. It’s by donation only – no one is turned away.

I’ll report on the Deepening when I return. In the meantime, you can learn more about Deeksha at http://onenessmovement.org  It’s very consistent with being pagan. I work a lot with Lakshmi and she is one of the deities they call on in ceremonies.

Please feel free to download the two stories I have attached! If you want the rest of them, just e-mail me at and I will send the rest of them to you.


Carol Lynn Stewart

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