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Hail and welcome back to Maggie's Page at Witches In Print!

Well, the new site is up and running, and I hope you're enjoying it.  We have a lot more to add but our goals are bigger than our time to fill them.  We'll get there–promise!

Fun news!  I have cover art now for the Berkley anthology, BEWITCHED, BOTHERED and BEWILDERED, which comes out in November, and includes three magickal tales that originally appeared in other collections: Everything She Does is Magick, Musketeer by Moonlight, and The Con and the Crusader which was a RITA® Award Nominee.  Personally, I thought the skirt was too short, and I'd have preferred any nylons by fishnets, and the hot pink border isn't my favorite, but it certainly will be noticeable on the bookstore shelves, and that's what counts, according to the marketing department.  This will be a trade-sized release.

Also new, the cover art for TOTALLY CHARMED; DEMONS, WHITELIGHTERS and THE POWER OF THREE, a collection of essays about the Television Series some of us love and some of us love to hate.  That comes out in November too, from Benbella Books.  My essay in this collection is titled Why Can't This Witch Get Hitched or Girl Power and the Men Who Can't Handle It.  It's about the romantic relationships that come and go within the course of the series.  I wanted to do the Witchcraft angle of the show, but apparently some other witch beat me to it.  The book's cover looks kind of like an issue of a checkout counter tabloid, but I think that's what the publisher was going for.  Other contributors to this one include Evelyn Vaughn, C.J. Barry and Jennifer Crusie, the guest editor, all of whom are friends of mine.  There are many other writers featured in the book as well.  Check it out in November.

And finally, the cover art is here for DARKER THAN MIDNIGHT, the third book in my romantic suspense trilogy from MIRA, yet another November release.  DTM  has a storyline of interest to all, but especially those into spiritual thought and theory, as it features a teenage girl, Dawn, who – well, to be unoriginal, she sees dead people.  Her gift–or curse, depending on when you ask her– is a major part of this book's storyline, although Jax (from previous books) is the main character.  I love this cover.  It's very evocative of the Vermont countryside where the story takes place.  If you've been following this series, (the first two books were Thicker than Water and Colder than Ice) you've probably been wondering if this is the final installment.  To be honest, I don't know.  The series can end with this third book, or not, depending on how contract negotiations with MIRA come out this summer.  I'd very much like to do just one more, with Dawn as the protagonist.

I've just finished the first draft of the next book in my vampire series, on Friday the thirteenth–talk about perfect timing!  I have a lot of work to do to get it polished and ready for the publisher by my June 1st deadline.  Hope I make it.  It's going to be a real challenge.

Witchy News!

My coven had a lot to celebrate this Beltane.  First and foremost, another coven has been born from our midst.  Lady Blaze has just founded Coven of the Heron.  This is the second group to hive from my group, Coven of the Redtail Hawk, and I couldn't be more thrilled or more proud. 

So it was with great joy that the three Central NY covens of RavenMyst Circle--the Hawks, Herons, and the Phoenixes--joined together to celebrate Beltane (a bit late, on May 7th.)  We had SUCH a great time.  Danced the Maypole, jumped the bonfire, shared our wishes, hopes, dreams, and SNACKS. =) Phoenix Coven is a long distance group with members from all over the country.  Some members flew in from as far away as Nevada to join us for this annual Beltane bash.  I'll be flying high from the fabulous energy of this event for weeks to come.

Earlier in the month, I enjoyed a weekend intensive sponsored by members of Reclaiming, "The Elements of Magic."  This was held at the beautiful Fox Glove Inn, in Freeville NY (near Ithaca).  What a gorgeous setting.  There's even a labyrinth in the back yard, all made up of flowers and herbs, and despite that it rained, I walked its spiral twice during breaks.  There's something very special about walking the spiral path.

The workshop itself was in depth and informative, and it was fun seeing how other groups work, what they do, what they don't.  What I found in the end was far more similarities than differences.  Actually, there were hardly any differences, except for what we call various things we do.  What we in RavenMyst call pathworking, those in Reclaiming call trancework, for example.  Same thing.  Basically a very deep guided meditation.  I thoroughly enjoyed the session and recommend the Reclaiming "Intensives" for anyone seeking to learn more about how organized Wiccan groups work together.

Another big event this month was sitting down to write the wedding ceremony I'll be performing for my oldest daughter Jena and her soon to be husband, Mike.  I'm still a nervous wreck, but the ceremony is beautiful.  Jena and I spent hours over it, and I think what we've come up with is perfect.  Short enough to satisfy the nervous groom, beautiful enough to please the bride (and English teacher) and her mom (an author.)  Moreover, I finally know what I'm going to wear–well, I think so.  I reserve the right to change my mind at the last minute!  But I did receive that "Fairydust Ensemble" from Pyramid and I've doubled up my daily workouts to be sure it looks great.

I'll have to get Jena's permission to post the ceremony after the event, which takes place July 23rd–on my own anniversary.  This is going to be one special day.

That's the full report for now.  See you in two weeks–when it will be June 1!  Unbelievable.


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