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Happy Spring Greetings, dear Reader:

In rural upstate New York, the spring equinox is often cold and snow-covered.  Winter has gone on long enough but we know that there may be more to cold and snow to come.  But the stirring of the earth is happening, and we can feel it in our spirits even if the breezes are still bitter cold on our skin!

There has been a stirring of activity in my life with lots of good things happening.  The Wild God will be making an appearance soon.  The final review of the editing is in my hands and as soon as I’m done, Spilled Candy will publish.  They’ve been wonderful and supportive.  A publisher that is both reader-centered and author-friendly.   Be sure to check out their website at www.spilledcandy.com

I’ve been working on some Tarot related projects.  *Drum roll!*  The Finger Lakes Tarot Society was born a few weeks ago, with lots of plans for gatherings and workshops.  You can read about it on the website at http://fingerlakestarot.org  You don’t need to live in the Finger Lakes region of New York to be a part of this.  I also maintain a tarot study group on yahoo at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/StudyTarot  We are also holding a “Fooling Around with Tarot” workshop on April 1st.  Who could resist a Saturday Fool’s day. 

I’ve also started a blog!  What fun.  I have an appointment every day to write about the Goddess and her exuberant goings-on.  I’ve learned a lot since I wrote Rituals of the Dark Moon and the blog contains additional thoughts on the Dark, the Goddess and her dance with the God, with us and with the sacred Universe.  www.rowdygoddess.blogspot.com I plan some book reviews there, including some of the authors you find here on this website!

Next week I head off to Akasha Con in Poughkeepsie.  Run by The Dreaming Goddess, www.dreaminggoddess.com, they always have exciting things to do and learn.  Then in April, I go to the Tarot School’s Readers’ Studio in New York City.  I’m a self-described Tarot Geek, and this is the tops!  Great teachers.  www.tarotschool.com  We are so lucky that our pagan teachers and authors are so friendly and accessible.

If all of that wasn’t enough, I got a fancy-schmancy embroidery machine in December and I’ve been quilting up a storm.  The colors of the thread along with the textures and patterns of the fabric helped keep the winter blahs at bay. 

Oh and I just found out that two of my workshops were accepted at the Cheasapeake Pagans Gathering in August.  It’s held at a very nice camp in Darlington, Maryland.  Check it out at www.cheasapeakepagans.org, and maybe I’ll see you there.  We’re going to do “The Goddess, with Chocolate!”

Until then and until then next time, have a nice cup of tea or hot chocolate and read a good book.  If not one of mine, then one of my friend!

Blessings, Bright and Dark,


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