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About Dorothy

Though some of you may know me as the author of Everyday Magic, The Craft, and several other Neopagan/Wiccan books, others may have no idea what I'm talking about. If that's the case, read a little further and let me introduce myself!

A native Texan, I now live in New England with my husband, Mark, and our black lab, Sadie Mae. I'm a Third Degree Wiccan High Priestess of the Georgian Tradition, founded the Coven of the Crystal Garden in 1986, and spent many years teaching the Craft to students in eight states and in Australia. Since I'm the eternal student, though - who isn't?! - I'm currently ensconced in studies of the RavenMyst Circle Tradition, and enjoy membership in the Coven of the Raven.

But how did I come to be the person I am today? While I won't bore you with all the details, I thought you might enjoy a brief journey through my life. So...grab a cup of coffee, relax, and let me tell you a story...

It all begin centuries ago with my ancestors. I'm a direct descendant of William the Conqueror [King of England], Robert the Bruce of Scotland, and various doctors, lawyers, ministers, patriots, as well as a Kentucky governor, the first Poet Laureate of Texas, and a charter member of the Texas Rangers.

I graduated from Columbus High School in 1973 - the same year that my mother introduced me to the Tarot - and moved to Houston, where I was introduced to the Craft. Eventually, I moved to California - where I where I furthered my Craft studies - and from there, to Missouri. It was in Missouri that I discovered archery, and during my second year on the circuit, I held three state championship titles.

During that time, my writing career began to bud. I was not only writing for every Pagan journal and quarterly I could find, but was also on the writing staff of several bowhunting magazines. It was because of the latter that the fallow deer hunt - the same hunt I discussed in the award-winning In Praise of the Crone - took place.

Many things happened after that. I went on to run two Humane Society animal shelters. [While it wasn't the pleasant work I'd envisioned, it did much to deepen my relationship with the Dark Mother.] Everything went along fine for a few years. At least, until my first book hit the shelves. You see, the Humane Society didn't take kindly to the discovery that I was a Witch, and I was fired on the first business day after the signing. And while I was terribly upset, it turned out to be one of the best things which ever happened to me, as such is usually the case with life's turning points.

Undoubtedly, though, the most important turning point in my life - the one event which changed me forever - came on Christmas Day of 1998, when I met my husband, Mark. For the first time in my life, I truly came to understand what perfect love and perfect trust really meant. And it's that understanding which has truly shaped the person I am today, and the person I may yet become.

Had it not been for Mark - or my dismissal as administrator from the Humane Society - my life would be much different than it is today. I'd have never been able to fully explore life as a writer. I'd have never been able to author eleven books and a tarot deck in less than four years. And I certainly wouldn't be able to travel across the country several months out of each year to meet you. And that's the most important thing of all!

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