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To My Cherished Readers,

A writer cannot survive unless she has a sense that something she writes touches the heart and mind of someone who reads.  It seems such a small connection in so big a world, but it is one of the most intimate bonds of which I’m aware.  Time stands still as two souls meet and engage in a mutual embrace of ideals through no more than a few written sentences.  This is why I write.  If I didn’t write about the Paganism and metaphysics I love, I would be writing about my other passions.

To those of you who’ve been kind enough to drop me an e-mail and tell me what has helped you, I thank you.  Not only does it allow me to know I’ve connected with someone, but it knowing what reaches you and what does not teaches me to grow as a writer of Pagan books and articles.  I only wish I had the time to answer all you personally and thank you for you good words and support, but some days my inbox contains over 300 e-mails.  Many of you ask questions that are common among new Witches, and I’m delighted to tell you this information is now available everywhere.  With the Worldwide Web at your fingertips, finding people, groups, or information is so much easier than it was even 15 years ago.  My best advice to you as a Witch: read critically, don’t dive into the first group that wants you, and never, never, never let anyone else do your thinking for you.

Working together for the good of all--no matter what the objective--only makes our web grow stronger.

Bright Blessings,


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