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About M.R. Sellars

Just who is this M. R. Sellars guy, anyway?

Until recently, M. R. Sellars has been one of the best-kept secrets of the Pagan community at large, but now the broom closet is open and there is no going back! So, who is he? A Pagan author, but he's not just your average book-writing Witch. Sellars is the proverbial "odd man out" on the A-list of Pagan authors.

Why? Because the books he writes are fiction novels with a twist.

Sellars blends entertainment and education into a single hand-held package. What makes these novels unique amid the wide-ranging genre of mystery-suspense books is that the protagonist, Rowan Gant, is a practicing Witch.

Yes, protagonist, not antagonist. That means the Witch gets to be the good guy for a change.

Contemporary Pagan-oriented fiction, written by a Pagan-not an altogether "new" concept, but one that has enjoyed only a modicum of success in past years. However, the climate is changing, and the proof is in the numbers. The Rowan Gant Investigations are standing out as one of the most successful forays into the burgeoning genre, crossing the boundaries into mainstream culture as well as the ever-expanding Pagan community.

The series follows the life of Rowan Gant, practicing Witch and self-employed computer consultant; his freelance photographer wife Felicity; his best friend Ben Storm, a homicide detective for the city of St. Louis; and a host of other colorful-- and true to life-- characters. The unfortunate thing for Rowan is that when the dead choose to speak, he hears their whispers. Compelled to listen, he is left with no choice but to help, and that is when things start to happen. Character driven and filled with action, these novels are an entertaining blend of dark, police procedural thrillers with actual Pagan dynamics and concepts-And, of course, a healthy dash of Magick.

And now, the postmortem...

Author of the best selling Rowan Gant Investigations series of suspense-thrillers, M. R. Sellars began reading at age four, and writing shortly thereafter- he hasn't stopped since. The product of a liberal family, from an early age Sellars was exposed to many different religions and belief systems, both mainstream and obscure. To this day he remains an avid student of the religious diversity that surrounds us. Not one for remaining "in the broom closet," Sellars often gives group lectures on request in order to help dispel the many myths and misconceptions that surround the practice of witchcraft, paganism, and the Wiccan religion.

A self-described "long-haired hippie activist tree-hugger," Sellars studied Journalism and Literature as well as Computer Science throughout high school and college, winning many prestigious awards for writing during his academic course. Although his first love was the written word, fate quickly led him to a vocation of more than twenty years as a Senior Level Electronics Technician and Internet Systems Administrator. While he continues to remain active in the computer field on a limited basis, since 2004 writing and touring have taken over as his primary occupation. Even with this hectic dual career, Sellars finds time to indulge in his hobbies of hiking, camping, nature photography, and cooking. A classically trained, accomplished gourmet chef, he can often be found "playing" in his favorite room- the kitchen.

M. R. Sellars has been an honored guest and speaker at numerous Public Libraries, community organizations (both Pagan and Non-pagan), and at national events such as the annual Real Witches Ball in Columbus, Ohio; the S.P.I.R.A.L. Pagan Unity Festival in Burns, Tennessee; Gathering of the Tribes in Virginia; Festival of Souls in Memphis, Tennessee; Florida Pagan Gathering; and the annual Heartland Pagan Festival and Pagan Pride Day Celebration in Kansas among many others.

An avid member of several environmental stewardship organizations, Sellars resides in the Midwest with his wife and daughter where their home is known to be a safe haven for neglected and abused animals. The Rowan Gant Investigation series currently stands at five novels: Harm None (2000), Never Burn A Witch (2001), Perfect Trust (2002), The Law Of Three (2003), and Crone's Moon (2004). The first four books have spent numerous weeks on various bookstore bestseller lists, and The Law Of Three garnered the St. Louis RFT People's Choice Award soon after its debut. Crone's Moon, the latest installment in the saga, recently set a new record for the publisher on its initial first printing sell-through percentage.

Sellars is currently working on several projects, as well as traveling on promotional tour. The sixth book in the Rowan Gant series, Love Is The Bond, is tentatively scheduled for release in the autumn of 2005.

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