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About Lorna

Published by three major publishing houses and an independent Pagan publisher, Lorna Tedder writes just about everything--suspense, mystery, romance, history, non-fiction--except for Westerns, and you can blame that on a bad past life experience!  She's recently relaunched her commercial writing career with a sale to Silhouette Bombshell, book #3 in a 7-novel series she co-created called The Madonna Key.  As a "non-current" author at Silhouette, she sets a precedent in being included in one of their continuity series, but then, Lorna always prefers to be the first to do things differently.

A former Southern Baptist, she is now a Wiccan High Priestess and the founder of RavenHart Ministries.  Lorna holds a doctorate in metaphysics and received her Third Degree Elevation through the Black Forest Clan.  Her metaphysical gifts are both intuitive and empathic. 

Lorna's blog, SuperGirl@40, shares her experiences and insights as a new Third Degree starting a new life after an abusive 20-year marriage to a witch-hater.  Her personal web site at www.LornaTedder.com includes her testimonial, photos of Avalon, her complete bibliography, and access to free pagan stories.

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